2024 Initiatives
Spring Community Wide Cleanup
The foundation, and the first critical step for a CGB city, is the Spring Community Wide Cleanup. It's hard to create community connection, lovely gathering spaces, and beautiful venues if a space is full of litter or offensive graffiti or weeds in cracks and crevices.
Each year since 2019, businesses and organizations have stepped up to sponsor our CGB bags and many of these sponsors are doing their own pickups with their employees, patrons and students, and getting involved in beautifying their own spaces. Bags are ordered by the participants and delivered by volunteers right to their door. Teams of volunteers hit the streets, trails and parks for this event, Litter pickups are ongoing Spring to Fall and CGB biodegradable bags are picked up free of charge on your regular garbage pickup day by Miller Waste.
What else are our community volunteers doing for CGB?
Adding to the 7 orchards that have been planted 2020 to 2023, 4 more were planted in and around the City in April and May. Apple, Pear and Plum are hardy to our area.
Greening School Yards
Planting shade trees, continued at 4 more schools. Creating green spaces for children and staff, while providing educational opportunities of the importance of sustainability principles. Raising the bar of kindness for plants and people.
School Beautification Grants
($1000) was given as well, to two schools and organizations who created a CGB innovative project to enhance their school or grounds.
Community Gardens
We identified 2 local areas and assisted them in creating or enhancing vegetable gardens, food forests, to add a welcoming aesthetic presence, food for their community and social connection opportunities for residents in that area.