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Remarkable Trees

close up of tree trunk
Admiring a tree
Hal Falk looking at tree leaves
scenic photo
two people next to a tree
upper canopy of a tree
upper canopy of a tree

Bur Oaks, Community Waterfront Park


When I think of trees, the image of Hal Falk, Forester, comes to mind. Hal’s favorite trees are Bur Oaks. Hardy, slow-growing, strong, resilient, and mighty, these Oak trees were planted in Trees 4 Nipissing Nursery on Hammond, around 2006. They were bareroot transplanted to Community Waterfront Park, West-end parking lot by community volunteers in 2012. Today these living creatures have lived up to Hal’s description, and, along with other trees, shrubs and plantings are the workhorses of the Park, providing food, shelter, shade, windbreak and beauty to our 21st Century Park.


Hariett Madigan

Eastern Cottonwood


If you have walked along the Chippewa Creek EcoPath, close to Fisher St, across Duke St. you cannot help but notice a gigantic, wide-girthed tree trunk, reaching to the sky, several metres high, with a huge spreading crown, providing shade for all life under its canopy. It is known as an Eastern Cottonwood tree or Poplar and has managed to survive in our area, possibly the largest tree in North Bay if not one of the largest in Ontario. This tree has been home to children, wildlife, and birds and has a quite a history. A bank Beaver has been attempting to chew it down over the years and so the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority staff has protected the tree with screening. All trees alter our environment by cooling and improving the quality of the air, conserving water, and stabilizing the shoreline and much more. Have you ever wondered what our city would look like without trees and could we even survive and thrive without them?


Paula Loranger


Family Folklore


Having decided to raise my son in the downtown core, public green spaces have been an important part of the childhood. The three large Oak trees that run parallel to the row of cedar trees has been his favorite hiding spot. Its also where we’ve discarded shell, where we’ve monitored caterpillar colonies, and taken snack breaks. These trees and this park are etched into our family folklore. Memorial Park, First Avenue West, and Ferguson St. Can you find Mile’s favorite tree?


Scott Robertson

Family cottage 


Our family cottage was built in 1963.  A balcony was built on the front of the cottage, which wrapped around the cottage and led to the lake.  A healthy young birch tree was right in the way of the balcony, but my father didn't have the heart to cut it down.  Instead, he cut a hole in the deck that allowed the tree to grow up through the balcony.  Over the years, long after my father's death, the tree is still healthy and strong.  The balcony has been redone, so the tree doesn't come up through the deck anymore.  But it has grown in width, and now encroaches into the bottom part of the A-frame roof. We know that it is probably not wise to leave it there, but it is such a part of the cottage that it's hard to think about cutting it down.  It has been the guardian of the cottage since 1963...leaning into the roof as if it is  part of the family. It wouldn't be the same place without it!


Susan Priebe

Huge Oak Tree


A huge, stately Oak Tree, we managed to save from being cut down. This lovely tree is also food for the community of wildlife in our neighbourhood. The squirrels knock the acorns onto the ground and the deer eat them! The tree stands in our front yard, and we consider is part of our family. In the fall it’s a spectacular reddish-brown work of the art for passerby to enjoy.


Jane Charette

Thomson Park


This tree is so big and beautiful. I've always loved Willow Trees; they look as if they have a story to tell. And because they are always near a little creek or stream, they are very picturesque. Like this one right in the middle of North Bay.


Jane Campbell

NUSU gathering


Nipissing University is fortunate to be located in such a beautiful area of Canada. Many students and their families cite the natural beauty as being one of the draws to the campus. This tree, in particular, is a backdrop for so many moments in a student’s life. This includes eating lunch during Frosh Week, meeting with friends, hosting seminars with professors, participating in outdoor yoga, attending pow-wows, and taking family photos on graduation day. There are many benefits from trees and our Lakers family know the importance of protecting and preserving nature.



Warren Lindsay

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